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Recent Papers (reverse chronological order)

Object Schizophrenia (2010)
Stephan Herrmann
Demystifying Object Schizophrenia
MASPEGHI Workshop (MechAnisms for SPEcialization, Generalization and inHerItance), at ECOOP'10, Maribor, Slovenia.

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Gradual Encapsulation (2008)
Stephan Herrmann
Balancing Language Concerns: Who Decides?
SPLAT Workshop (Software-engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies), at AOSD'08, Brussels, Belgium.

Download PDF  Free PDF download from ACM DL:   ACM DL Author-ize serviceBalancing Language Concerns: Who Decides?

Extended version:
Gradual Encapsulation
Journal of Object Technology, vol. 7, no. 9,
Special Issue: Software-engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies, December 2008, pages 47—68.
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Roles in a Context (2007)
Stephan Herrmann
A Precise Model for Contextual Roles: The Programming Language ObjectTeams/Java.
Applied Ontology, Volume 2, Number 2 / 2007, pp. 181-207, IOS Press.
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Language Definition (2007)
Stephan Herrmann, Christine Hundt, Marco Mosconi
ObjectTeams/Java Language Definition — version 1.0.
Technical Report 2007/03, Fak. IV, Technical University Berlin, 2007.
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Product Lines (2007)
Christine Hundt, Katharina Mehner, Carsten Pfeiffer, Dehla Sokenou
Improving Alignment of Crosscutting Features with Code in Product Line Engineering.
Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6, no. 9,
Special Issue: TOOLS EUROPE 2007, October 2007, pages 417—436.
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OTEquinox (2007)
Stephan Herrmann, Marco Mosconi
Integrating Object Teams and OSGi: Joint Efforts for Superior Modularity.
Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6, no. 9,
Special Issue: TOOLS EUROPE 2007, October 2007, pages 105—125.
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Object Teams Development Tooling (2006)
Stephan Herrmann, Christine Hundt, Marco Mosconi, Jan Wloka, Carsten Pfeiffer
Das Object Teams Development Tooling.
An Overview of the tools for ObjectTeams/Java (German)
in: Softwaretechnik-Trends, (26:4), Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2006.
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Patterns for Re-usable Aspects (2006)
Dehla Sokenou, Katharina Mehner, Stephan Herrmann, Henry Sudhof
(within the TOPPrax research project).
Patterns for Re-usable Aspects in Object Teams.
Proc. of Net.ObjectDays, Erfurt, 2006.
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Aspect Interaction Analysis (2006)
Katharina Mehner, Mattia Monga, Gabriele Taentzer
Interaction Analysis in Aspect-Oriented Models.
14th International Conference on Requirements Engineering, September 2006, Minneapolis.
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Software Product-Lines (2006)
Katharina Mehner, Oliver Reiser, Matthias Weber
Applying Aspect-Orientation Techniques in Automotive Software Product-Line Engineering.
IEEE International Workshop on Automotive Requirements Engineering, at 14th International Conference on Requirements Engineering, September 2006, Minneapolis.
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Eclipse Plugins (2006)
Stephan Herrmann, Christine Hundt, Carsten Pfeiffer
(within the TOPPrax research project).
Eclipse plugin adaptation with Equinox and ObjectTeams/Java.
Eclipse Technology eXchange Workshop '06ECOOP 2006.
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Metrics for Aspects (2006)
Katharina Mehner
(within the TOPPrax research project).
On Using Metrics in the Evaluation of Aspect-Oriented Programs and Designs.
LATE(r)'06 Workshop (Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution revisited), at AOSD'06, Bonn, Germany.
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Pointcuts (2006)
Stephan Herrmann
Are Pointcuts a First-Class Language Feature?.
FOAL'06 Workshop (Foundation of Aspect-Oriented Languages), at AOSD'06, Bonn, Germany.
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Roles in a Context (2005)
Stephan Herrmann
(within the TOPPraxresearch project).
Programming with Roles in ObjectTeams/Java.
AAAI Fall Symposium: "Roles, An Interdisciplinary Perspective"
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Guard Predicates (2005)
Stephan Herrmann, Christine Hundt, Katharina Mehner, Jan Wloka
(within the TOPPraxresearch project).
Using Guard Predicates for Generalized Control of Aspect Instantiation and Activation.
Dynamic Aspects Workshop'05AOSD 2005.
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Aspect-Oriented Testing (2005)
Dehla Sokenou, Stephan Herrmann.
Aspects for Testing Aspects?
Dynamic Aspects Workshop'05AOSD 2005.
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State-Based Testing (2004)
Dehla Sokenou, Stephan Herrmann
Using Object Teams for State-Based Class Testing
Technical Report 2004/10, Fak. IV, Technical University Berlin, 2004.
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Use Case Modeling (2004)
Stephan Herrmann, Christine Hundt, Katharina Mehner
(within the TOPPrax research project).
Mapping Use Case Level Aspects to ObjectTeams/Java.
Workshop on Early AspectsOOPSLA 2004.
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Translation Polymorphism (2004)
Stephan Herrmann, Christine Hundt, Katharina Mehner
Translation Polymorphism in Object Teams
Technical Report 2004/05, Fak. IV, Technical University Berlin, 2004.
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Confinement (2004)
Stephan Herrmann
Confinement and Representation Encapsulation in Object Teams
Technical Report 2004/06, Fak. IV, Technical University Berlin, 2004.
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Evolution (2004)
Stephan Herrmann
Sustainable architectures by combining flexibility and strictness in Object Teams
IEE Proceedings - Software Engineering
Special Issue on Unanticipated Software Evolution, April 2004, Vol. 151 Issue 2 (p.57).

Online:This article in IEEE Xplore

On Language Design (2003)
Stephan Herrmann
Orthogonality in Language Design - Why and how to fake it.
Workshop on Object-oriented Language Engineering for the Post-Java Era.
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Model-View-Controller and Object Teams (2003)
Matthias Veit, Stephan Herrmann
Model-View-Controller and Object Teams: A Perfect Match of Paradigms.
2nd International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, March 2003, Boston.

Download PDF  Free PDF download from ACM DL:   ACM DL Author-ize serviceModel-View-Controller and Object Teams: A Perfect Match of Paradigms

Object Teams (2002)
Stephan Herrmann
Object Teams: Improving Modularity for Crosscutting Collaborations.
Proc. of Net.ObjectDays, Erfurt, 2002.
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UFA (UML for Aspects) (2002)
Stephan Herrmann
Composable Designs with UFA
Reviewed position paper at the Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling with UML — (1st International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development), 2002.
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Predecessors of Object Teams

LAC (Lua Aspectual Components) (2001)
Stephan Herrmann and Mira Mezini
Combining Composition Styles in the Evolvable Language LAC
Reviewed position paper at the Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Software Engineering. – (ICSE 01)
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Dynamic View Connectors (2000)
Stephan Herrmann and Mira Mezini
PIROL: A Case Study for Multidimensional Separation of Concerns in Software Engineering Environments
In: Proceedings of OOPSLA 2000
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Pluggable Composite Adapters (2001)
Mira Mezini, Linda Seiter and Karl Lieberherr
Component Integration with Pluggable Composite Adapters
In: "Software Architectures and Component Technology: The State of the Art in Software Development", Kluwer Academic Publishers
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Aspectual Components (1999)
Karl Lieberherr and David Lorenz and Mira Mezini
Programming with Aspectual Components
Technical Report, NU-CCS-99-01, March 1999.
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Adaptive Plug&Play Components (1998)
Mira Mezini and Karl Lieberherr
Adaptive Plug-and-Play Components for Evolutionary Software Development.
Technical Report: NU-CCS-98-3, April 1998 and OOPSLA '98 paper.
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Diploma Theses (German)

Tooling for Generic Object Teams (March 2011)
Jan Marc Hoffmann
Entwicklung der Werkzeugunterstützung für die Spracherweiterung Generic Object Teams.
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JVM Mechanisms for Efficient Callin Dispatch (August 2010)
Julian Bischof
Erweiterung einer Java Virtual Machine um delegationsbasierte Aspektausführungsmechanismen zur Optimierung von ObjectTeams/Java.
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Refactoring (December 2009)
Johannes Gebauer
Adaptierung der Eclipse JDT Refactorings für die aspektorientierte Programmiersprache ObjectTeams/Java mit Hilfe von OT/Equinox
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Dynamic Weaving (June 2009)
Oliver Frank
Praxistaugliches dynamisches Aspektweben für ObjectTeams/Java im Kontext des OSGi Komponentenframeworks
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Persistence (June 2009)
Olaf Otto
Entwicklung einer Persistenzlösung für Object Teams auf Basis der Java Persistence API
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Situational Activation (July 2008)
Sven Kampfhenkel
Situationsbasierte Aktivierung von Aspekten in ObjectTeams/Java
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Feature Modelling (December 2007)
Marko Feistkorn
Abbildung von produktlinienorientierten Featurediagrammen auf aspektorientierte Implementierungsmodule
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Modeling tool for Object Teams (December 2007)
(Implementation uses OT/Equinox)
Andreas Werner
Modellgetriebene Entwicklung eines erweiterten UML-Editors zur Modellierung von ObjectTeams/Java-Programmen
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Joinpoint modeling (October 2007)
Andreas Mertgen
Modellbasierte Integration von Joinpoint Queries für die aspektorientierte Sprache ObjectTeams/Java
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Confirmed Join Points (April 2007)
Jürgen Widiker
Policy-basierte Zugriffskontrolle für Joinpoints in der aspektorientierten Sprache ObjectTeams/Java
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Modelling Variability (Evaluation Study) (March 2007)
Anita Royal
Produktlinienorientierte Entwicklung softwareintensiver Systeme im Automobilbereich —
Evaluierung von aspektorientierten Techniken zur Modellierung von Variabilität anhand einer Fallstudie
Towards runtime weaving (December 2006)
Michael Flüh
Schemaerhaltende Bytecodetransformationen zum Aspektweben zur Programmlaufzeit
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UI Designer (November 2006)
Karsten Meier
Entwicklung eines Oberflächendesigners für aspektorientierte Anwendungsentwicklung im Model-View-Controller Architekturstil
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Joinpoint matching/weaving (September 2006)
Timo Sellin
Effiziente Laufzeit-Transformation für die aspektorientierte Programmiersprache ObjectTeams/Java
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Performance (August 2006)
Paul Häder
Benchmarking und Optimierung der Aspektwebestrategie von ObjectTeams/Java
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Evolvable ERP (August 2006)
Oliver Neumann
Praktische Evaluierung der aspektorientierten Programmierung zur Stärkung der Wandlungsfähigkeit eines ERP-Systems
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Debugger (July 2006)
Ralf Anklam
Entwicklung eines Debuggers für aspektorientierte Programme unter Berücksichtigung der Aspektwebetechniken
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Pointcut modelling (June 2006)
Robert Woll
Modellierung und Auswertung von aspektorientierten Pointcuts mit der UML und OCL
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Analysis for Refactoring (May 2006)
Joachim Hänsel
Entwicklung von Verfahren zur statischen Analyse dynamischer Programmeigenschaften für das Refactoring aspektorientierter Programme
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Reusable Aspects (March 2006)
Henry Sudhof
Vergleichende Fallstudie über Techniken für wiederverwendbare Aspekte
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QS Tools (January 2006)
Iryna Ivanova
Entwicklung von qualitätssichernden Werkzeugen für ObjectTeams/Java
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Refactoring (October 2005)
Gregor Brcan
Erweiterung von objektorientiertem Refactoring für die aspektorientierte Sprache ObjectTeams/Java
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Framework Case Study (August 2004)
Christine Hering
Evaluierung der aspektorientierten Sprache ObjectTeams/Java zur Strukturverbesserung des Frameworks JHotDraw
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Incremental Compiler (December 2003)
Markus Witte
Portierung, Erweiterung und Integration des ObjectTeams/Java Compilers für die Entwicklungsumgebung Eclipse
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Type system (September 2003)
Rebekka Oeters
Formalisierung und Analyse eines Typsystems für ObjectTeams/Java mit dem Beweiswerkzeug Isabelle
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OTC++/QT/KDE (June 2003)
Carsten Pfeiffer
Anpaßbarkeit komplexer Software-Module durch ObjectTeams/C++ am Beispiel von graphischen Benutzungsschnittstellen
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Corba Component Model (May 2003)
Marco Mosconi
Modularisierung und Adaptierung von Komponenteninteraktionen mit Object Teams und dem CORBA Komponentenmodell
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CORBA (April 2003)
Timmo Gierke
Nicht-invasive Komponentenadaption -- Übertragung des Programmiermodells "Object Teams" auf verteilte System
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Runtime Environment (Jan. 2003)
Christine Hundt
Bytecode-Transformation zur Laufzeitunterstützung von Aspekt-Orientierter Modularisierung mit Object-Teams/Java.
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Case Study (Dec. 2002)
Matthias Veit
Evaluierung modularer Softwareentwicklung mit "Object Teams" am Beispiel eines Projektmanagementsystems.
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Design Tool (Aug. 2002)
Florian Hacker
Aspektorientiertes Entwerfen mit "Aspectual Collaborations" -- Entwicklung eines grafischen Editors für die repository-basierte Entwicklungsumgebung PIROL.
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Compiler (Aug. 2002)
Christof Binder
Aspectual Collaborations: Erweiterung des Java-Compilers für verbesserte Modularität durch aspekt-orientierte Techniken.
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