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What is happening?

As of January 27, 2010, Object Teams has been approved as a new Eclipse project under the Eclipse Tools umbrella. For background about our application please see our proposal.



Our move to signals a further step out off our former research niche towards the "real world". In moving to we see the following advantages.

What does it cost?

While we are not speaking of actual money transfers, we don't get this move completely for free.

What are the implications?

For the web site
This web site is essentially frozen in its current state. New content will only go to However, the web site will remain online documenting the history, providing existing releases etc. Specifically, URLs to publications, to the OTJLD and to existing downloads will remain valid.
For the code base:
The project has started from a pristine new version repository (Eclipse doesn't accept full code histories from outside). The initial commits to eclipse servers happened in March 2010 as initial revisions with no history. However, the version history is actually a significant asset of the Object Teams project. Many design decisions are documented in the version history, specifically by cross-linking to Trac issues and test cases. For that reason also the existing SVN repository will remain online (as read-only). Specifically, some of the advantages of our Trac/SVN/Wiki combination with it's excellent integration can not easily be remodeled at At least for old content, however, all this will remain online.
For users:
We hope that the recent releases 1.3.2 and 1.4.0 will work for all users relying on Eclipse versions < 3.6M7. Starting from Eclipse 3.6M7 corresponding OTDT releases can be found via our new download page.
"Upgrading" the OTDT from 1.3.x or 1.4.0 to 0.7.0 will however not be possible — Eclipse (p2) would consider this as a downgrade and not offer such action. Additionally, all feature and plugin names have been changed from org.objectteams._ to org.eclipse.objectteams._. This implies that removal of the old OTDT and fresh install of the new version will be required for that step. We'll try to make this step as smooth as possible.
For upgrading existing projects please consult this howto and this N&N entry.

Where will I find ...?

The following resources are configured on servers:

Only the following resources are still being maintained at

What do you think?

Please feel free to comment on this or ask questions in our forum.