Hints on installing the OTDT

Starting with version 1.2.0 the procedures for installing the OTDT have been unified to fit into the conventions of the new provisioning system "p2". As a result it is now possible to install the OTDT on top of any of the provided Eclipse packages. Starting with Eclipse 3.5 this combination works well enough to perform various p2 operations like uninstalling (reverting) etc.

1. Step-by-step installation

Using the update UI of p2, this is how you install the OTDT:

  While parts of the OTDT come as regular features/plug-ins, two things are special about this installation:

The following table explains the effects of installing the OTDT in more detail:

2. Adding the OTDT on top of a shared installation

The Eclipse command line argument -configuration allows you to operate different Eclipse configurations sharing the same base installation. If you carefully perform the following steps, also the OTDT can be installed without affecting other configurations based on the same shared installation.

Explanation of VM arguments:

-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UnsyncloadClass
These VM arguments work around an issue in the Sun JVM that can lead to deadlocks. These should not be used on MacOS.
This helps to avoid another cause for deadlocks during class loading (platform independent).
-Xms40m -Xmx768m
Recommended memory settings.

With the ability to share an installation comes the option to use an installation to which the current user does not have writing permissions.

3. Installing and using the command line compiler

The command line compiler can be downloaded as a single jar file called ecotj-1.4.X.jar.

The compiler can be run by the following command:
Use -help as the argument to see the list of options.

Running OT/J programs outside Eclipse is only slightly more complicated. Please see these howtos if you want to compile and/or run OT/J programs from the command line using ant.