Object Teams perspective

The Object Teams perspective combines views that you use while editing OT/J source files (see perspectives).

Opening the Object Teams perspective

To open the Object Teams perspective:
  1. Click the Open Perspective button on the shortcut bar on the left side of the Workbench window or select Window > Open Perspective from the Workbench window menu bar.
  2. To see a complete list of perspectives, select Other... from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the "Object Teams" perspective.

When the perspective opens, the title bar of the window changes to display the name of the perspective (i.e. Object Teams). In addition, an icon is added to the shortcut bar, allowing you to quickly switch back to that perspective from other perspectives in the same window.

Object Teams icon in shortcut bar Object Teams icon in the shortcut bar ("Show text" disabled).

By default, a perspective will open in the same window. If you would rather it opened in a new window, change the setting in Window > Preferences > Workbench > Perspectives .